The post, shared by 'MerriedSeinorComic', shows a picture of a woman posing in her underwear with a sign reading: 'I need fat acceptance because.. everyone should wear whatever they want and feel good about being naked'.
However the blogger clearly disagrees, captioning the snap with:
'Whenever you find yourself tempted to overeat, imagine yourself as this..'.

The post continues:
'Or any other "fat acceptance warrior". Their "cause" has really been helping me lose weight; by showing me what being a gluttonous slob who blames everybody else for their problems instead of taking the effort to fix them, looks like.
'EDIT: To clarify, no, I do not hate fat people.
'I hate the fat acceptance movement, which encourages the mentality that the obese should be proud of their self-inflicted crippling disability, and demand sockety to bow to their immense girth, demanding larger seats on buses and planes, society to start calling people like the one in this image beautiful, etc.
'The "movement" is toxic because it offers people who would otherwise seek to lose weight an easy way out:
'The ability to claim it isn't their fault, it's all the fault of genetics, and that the doctors who warn them, the people who design seats that won't fit them, and everything else they can use as an excuse to keep eating enormous portions and refusing to exercise.'
What do you think of the above views on the 'fat acceptance movement'?