Blind 10-year-old’s piano performance will blow you away

This 10-year-old boy, who is completely blind, started playing the piano at the age of four and is amazing.

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by Maria Vallahis |
Published on

Ethan Loch admits he started playing the piano when he was four years old.

In the five–minute YouTube clip below, he describes how he learnt his talent and says: “I heard DVDs and they made a nice sound so I punched my keys on the piano and I made a nice sound.

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“After that I decided to play some proper pieces. So when I was six years old I started composing.”

Ethan was born completely blind and admits he ‘couldn’t even see light or anything’.

The extremely talented young boy from Falkirk entered his first competition at Glasgow Music Festival this week and won two top prizes.

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Ethan’s mother, Larinda, is overjoyed at her son’s success and how it has left their family overwhelmed.

‘The future looks bright,’ added Ethan's mother.

Ethan is due to compete up against nearly 7,000 others for the best entrant at Glasgow’s festival.

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