Beauty salon manager freezes to death after getting locked in own ice chamber for 10 hours

A 24-year-old woman has died after freezing to death inside her beauty salon.

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by Ellie Hooper |
Published on

Chelsea Ake, who managed the beauty salon in Nevada, became trapped inside a cryogenic chamber in the shop - where temperatures are below minus 150 degrees.

Ake’s colleagues made the gruesome discovery the next morning as they arrived for work at the Rejuvenice salon - which offers cryogenic treatment for muscle soreness and injuries.

The treatment uses extremely cold, dry air, to help ease and heal the muscles, though patients only spend between three to six minutes inside the chamber.

Tragically, investigators believe that Chelsea suffocated inside the chamber while she was closing up shop alone.

Cause of death has been determined as ‘operator error, implying that it was not the machine that malfunctioned.

Her close friend Shae-Lynn Bee, said she would ‘miss her dearly.’

Although there is a debate in the medical world about how effective cryogenic therapy is, it is believed to cause a rush of white blood cells back to the extremities, boosting healing.

Rejuvenice, who Chelsea worked for, claim the therapy can be sued to reduce inflammation and pain, strengthen the immune system, and is beneficial against depression.

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