We weren't surprised when our story on 25st mum Christina Briggs – who wants more benefits to help her diet – went global. Controversial Christina receives £20k a year in state handouts, but says that's not enough to live a healthy lifestyle and claims she can only afford junk food.
Unsurprisingly, our message boards were flooded with angry responses – many from readers who manage to eat well and live healthy lifestyles on less than Christina's income. It's hard not to feel her problems are down to a lack of willpower, rather than money.

Another subject that divided opinion was Kim Kardashian's decision to dress one-year-old daughter North in a leather skirt- with some fans blasting it as "inappropriate" wear for a baby. Say what you like, but with outrageous dressers like Kimye as parents, there's no way North is going to grow up wearing delicate pink tunics and Mary Jane shoes. Give it another year and she'll be out and about looking like a small Lady Gaga!

Poor Kim endured a difficult week with the emotional fallout following the leak of nude photos of her, then was almost knocked over on the red carpet by a prankster who tried to grab her by the hair. Of course, Kim being Kim, she rose above it all by appearing later that day looking her usual polished self – albeit with a semi-topless look that drew gasps from the crowd and admiring looks from hubby Kanye.
Another cleavage that caused a stir belongs to Jasmine Tridevil – who billed herself as the woman with three boobs and made headlines across the world after claiming she'd had plastic surgery to give her another breast. Strange then, that airport officials later revealed how she'd reported her baggage missing last month and when discovered, it contained two prosthetic boobs. Seems that may have 'bust' her story…

Meanwhile, with the weather turning decidedly chilly, we have to accept that the summer is finally over and it's time to wrap up. But it's not all doom and gloom - we've compiled a gallery of all the fab things to look forward to now the nights are drawing in.
Have a wonderful (and cosy) weekend- here are the things not to miss out on..