A soldier is reunited with her daughter after 7 months

A firefighter gives water to a koala during the devastating Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, Australia, in 2009

George Harris sticks carnations in gun barrels during an antiwar demonstration at the Pentagon in 1967

Samar Hassan screams after her parents and brother were killed by U.S. Soldiers in front of her in a shooting January 18, 2005 in Tal Afar, Iraq. (Picture by Chris Hondros, the photographer recently killed on the front lines in Misurata, Libya)

A soldier rescuing a kitten during the war
Tributes outside the Sandy Hook school where 26 adults and children were shot dead in 2012

A woman surveys the space her family home stood before a hurricane hit in Chile

A dog refuses to leave the spot his owner was buried following a landslide in Rio, Brazil

A father mourns his baby lost during an Israel bombing

A man rescues puppies caught in the Philippines floods

A firefighter reviving a kitten caught in a house fire

A starving boy and a missionary

Men rescue a lamb from the ocean in Norway

A policeman gives a homeless man boots

A villager rescues kittens caught in a flood in India

A doomed bull surrounded by a mob during the bull run in Spain

A cat mourning her dead kittens finds comfort in suckling chicks

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