Teenager Madi Nickens from Texas has made her sister an Internet sensation after sharing a series of brutal ‘break up’ texts sent from her phone.
Madi’s 11-year-old sister was left fuming after catching her boyfriend in the park with another girl named Natalie.
Rather than sob into a bowl of ice cream and analyse every details surrounding the incident (like the rest of us probably would) the feisty middle school student decided to end things in the most brilliant way possible.
Sharing the texts on Twitter, Madi wrote: “HAHAHAHAH oh my god - my sisters "official break up" with her bf.[sic]”
The youngster wrote: ‘So I herd you went to the park with natalie… why would you cheat on me joey? I gave you 2 chances and I actually belived you she you said you loved me but i guess not[sic]”
She continued: “Just don’t talk to me in middle school. I didn’t even love you.”

In a glorious finish, she typed: “Ding ding ding oh what was that oh yeah the elevator cause your not on my level [sic].”
The screen grabs of the texts have since gone viral, with over 7,000 retweets on Twitter.
It seems that the 11-year-old’s break up methods have gone down a treat with other Twitter users, in particular her ‘ding ding elevator’ line.
One follower wrote: “That's going to be on reserve to use at any moment.”
Another replied: “Can't imagine the number of people fighting and almost breaking up to use the "Ding Ding elevator" dialogue.”
One fan tweeted Madi: “Your sister is every woman’s hero. I hope she stays this awesome!”
Do you have any funny break up stories? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter