If you’ve visited Reddit over the weekend, you may have already stumbled upon this intensely unnerving story from a man named Nathan, whose girlfriend, Emily, was killed in a car crash two years ago.
Emily is, according to Nathan, still using Facebook. And she's been sending him some seriously chilling messages from beyond the grave.
The whole thing started on September 4, 2013, when Emily returned to Facebook.

According to Nathan, only he and Emily’s mother shared admin privileges of Emily’s Facebook account. But, when it became clear it was not Emily's mother sending the messages, Nathan assumed one of his late girlfriend's friends had hacked into the account,
However Nathan soon realised that the messages Emily was posting were sourced from old chats the two of them had shared back before the accident that claimed her life.
Then, all of a sudden, things became even more chilling.
Emily had started tagging herself in photos.

This kept going on, with Emily randomly tagging herself in photos and posting messages comprised of words she had typed when she was among the living.
It could have been a Facebook bug, Nathan told himself. Some sort of bug in the system was regurgitating old messages and his own words - and, while it was terrifying, it could be explained away.
Until, all of a sudden, Emily used her first original word.

It's the "I don't know what's happening" here that really makes our blood run cold.
In his post, Nathan reveals that the messages left him unable to sleep, crippled by terrifying nightmares in which Emily was trapped in an “ice cold car, frozen blue and grey, and I’m standing outside in the warmth screaming at her to open the door. She doesn’t even realise I’m there. Sometimes her legs are outside with me.”

Nathan revealed that the 'just let me walk' line left him chilled for more reasons than one, saying: "In the collision, the dashboard had crushed her. She was severed in a diagonal line from her right hip to midway down her left thigh.
"One of her legs was found tucked under the backseat."
Based on her plea to be 'let go', Nathan decided to memorialize Emily's Facebook page. But it still wasn't enough for Emily to rest in peace - because she sent Nathan another message last week.
And, in this one, she posted a photo which she had 'taken' of him from behind a half-closed door.
A photo which, Nathan says, was taken at a time when nobody else was there in the house with him
"That's my door. That's my computer. It's taken from outside… Help."

Do you think Nathan is really being haunted by the ghost of his girlfriend Emily? Is this some type of prank or hoax from a hacker? Or could Nathan have made the story up himself?
Let us know your thoughts below. One thing's for sure; we're terrified.