Do YOU know how big your portions should be? Here’s how much of your favourite foods you should be eating…


by Emma Dodds |
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A study has revealed that 47% of the UK struggle with portion control - and that the average British UK household wastes over 2kg of food every MONTH.

The study, conducted by Grundig, surveyed 2,000 British adults, and found that the 47% said they incorrectly thought they could tell how much of an ingredient was needed just by looking at it.

They also believed that cooking too much was always better than cooking too little - with one in 10 people saying they just don't have time to weigh out ingredients, leading to more waste.

Most British adults are wasting a LOT of food (Credit: Getty Images) ©Getty Images

Unsurprisingly, pasta and rice were the dishes that were most over-prepared, with 40% of responders saying they don't know how much pasta or rice is recommended to have with a meal - with over two thirds saying they "guesstimate" how much is required.

On average, British people waste approximately a tenth of every meal they make - throwing away what they don't eat, with 40% of people not recycling their food waste, either.

WATCH: Susanna Reid on Her New Frugal Cooking Show 'Save Money Good Food' | Good Morning Britain


Recommended portion sizes for a UK adult

  • Breakfast cereal: Three tablespoons (20g)

  • Boiled potatoes: Two small (egg sized) boiled potatoes

  • Rice: Two heaped tablespoons (80g)

  • Pasta: Three heaped tablespoons (80g)

  • Lean meat: 70g cooked meat, about the size of a deck of cards

  • Fish: 140g cooked dish, about the size of a chequebook

  • Eggs: Two medium eggs

  • Pulses: Five tablespoons (cooked)

  • Hard cheese: 25g of cheddar, about the size of a small matchbox

  • Dried fruit: Two figs, around 40g

  • Dark green leafy veg: Four heaped cooked tablespoons (80g)

Do you think you waste this much food? Could more be done to recycle food? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.


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