Taking to Reddit's 'No Sleep' thread, the mother explained that her "gifted" 4-year-old daughter began having night terrors shortly after she started nursery.
"John's gonna find me because he's waiting for me"
At first she thought these were normal, until her little girl started mentioning a man called John.
When pressed, all her daughter would say was that she knew him "when she was a lady", saying: "John went out to work and I had our girls and they were big girls and they were big, bigger than me now.
"We played piano in the hall when he was at work but the piano's gone now coz of that bad storm blowing the trees."
While her mum, who admits to living in a "poor area of the UK" wasn't sure where her daughter would have seen a piano in a hallway - but reasoned she must have picked it up whilst watching a Barbie princess film.
But then things got even more worrying.

The frightened mum wrote: "She had a big night terror… I went in to the room and woke her up like I usually do, but this time she was clawing at the wall screaming that she couldn't get out.
"I woke her and she kept repeating that she was sorry, so sorry."
The anxious mum went on: "When she calmed down I asked what she meant. She looked deep in thought for a few minutes then took a deep breath.
"'When I was a lady and I had my big girls and one was Olivia,' she paused and looked at me to check I was listening so I nodded.
"'Well, we had a house with these things on the windows that opened and shut and they were blue. When the weather was bad John shut them all but when he was at work I said it would be fine.'
"Another pause, longer this time, 'and, he said 'you best shut them' and I didn't.
"Then it was bad outside and the trees fell down and smashed the windows.... and.. and the fire jumped onto the tree and it went up and up to my room and up and up ….'"

It is, at this point, that things begin to get a little unsettling.
The mother continued" "Then she started crying and I said it was ok and it was just a dream, not real. She stopped crying and looked at me really hard
"She said: 'John got me. He did. and he said he's gonna come back.'
"I asked what she meant. She replied: 'I had John when I was a lady and when I'm a lady John's gonna find me coz he's waiting for me' - at this point she smiled and lay down - 'and I'm gonna go home again.'
"She fell asleep and it left me wondering if, like me, she just has a very very wild imagination… or whether one day she might meet a man named John."
Many have responded to the mother, suggesting that her daughter is recalling a past life - including the moment of her death and "John's" role in it.
What do you think of this mum's spooky revelation? Have you ever experienced anything similar with your little ones?
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