Josh Shmitz wrote messages of love to girlfriend Danielle Roesch on a mini white board that he took to work, around the house, and on holiday with him every single day – yes that's 365 love notes, and Josh filmed himself with every one.
As Josh gets up to go to work at 4.45am he leaves Danielle a handwritten note in the morning and she responds by leaving him one to find when he gets back in the afternoon, reports say it's a bit of a tradition in their relationship.
After a whole year of filming whiteboard clips, Josh got one of Danielle's friends to trick her into thinking she was going to a corporate work event that she had to dress up smartly for.
When Danielle got there arrived, she was surprised to see family and friends and a large video screen playing the 21-minute film of all Josh's video clips spliced together.
The last frame had a clip of Josh holding a whiteboard that instructed Danielle to walk outside to meet him next to Lake Michigan. Josh was waiting with rose petals and champagne as he got down on one knee with a whiteboard (of course) that said “Will you be my wife?” with two options “yes” or “maybe.”
“I’ve never been more nervous for anything in my entire life,” Schmitz said. “I’m just glad she didn’t say maybe. That would have been awkward.”
In interview with NBC Chicago the romantic chap said: ‘I had been thinking about what I could do for a proposal long before any man would want to admit,’
“I wanted to be able to show her how much I cared about her every day and I wanted to be able to incorporate work into it too because I spend a lot of time at work,” Schmitz said.

“The first month making it was like, 'OK this is pretty fun' and then it turned in
to, ‘Wow I’ve got 11 more months. That’s a long time,’ but I stuck with it,” he said.
The couple prove that love is still a thing in 2016. They both met on Tinder in 2014.
We'll swipe to that!
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