If you're pregnant and close to your due date, the biggest thing on your mind will probably be getting through the birth.
But not all expectant mums let their appearance lide down their list of priorities just because they're about to have a baby.
A Mumsnet user started a thread asking "did anyone wear makeup during labour?" The responses were mixed, with some saying it couldn't have been further from their mind, but others admitting that they even applied make-up between contractions.

"If you are wearing it when you go into labour, fair enough. But you will be very unlikely to put it on when it all kicks off!" wrote one poster.
Another said that, after having an epidural, she felt no pain and "made myself up, did my hair and did a crossword" to pass the time.
Other forum members seemed shocked at the suggestion. "I wouldn't imagine anyone would put on make up especially for labour if that's what you're asking?" replied another.
But it seems like that's exactly what some people do. "With [my second child] I went into labour and made my [husband] help me put some makeup on during contractions," said another mum.

Plenty of other users also said they applied makeup between contractions, and some even admitted that they rarely let their husband see them without makeup.
Some people, though, were skeptical about the fact that some people felt the need to put makeup on.
"The midwife won't care or even notice. I would hope your [partner] wouldn't care. You can always take make-up with you for the after photos," pointed out one Mumsnetter.

Another chipped in and pointed out that it was indeed the photos they were most concerned about. "It's because of the photos that you and all your family and friends will see, and you will show the [children] and look at over and over again," they said. "I couldn't give a sh*t whether a doctor saw me with no make up on or any of my family particularly, but don't want to look at a photo of me for years and years looking rough."
We think the best thing to do if you're in labour is simply whatever makes you most comfortable and puts you at ease as much as possible.
What do you think? Would you put makeup on while in labour, or would it be the last thing on your mind? Tell us over on Closer's Facebook and Twitter