You’ve got your exam results- Now what?

Thousands of teenagers have received their A-level results, but what's next?


by Fiona Day |
Published on

You’ve got the grades you wanted- Yay!

Amazing! If you’ve applied for university, now all you have to do is log onto UCAS and double check that you have your place guaranteed. If you’re not planning on university or college, you can update that CV, you’re officially on the job hunt!

What if you didn’t do as well as expected?

First thing’s first- DON’T PANIC. This is not the end of the world. You still have plenty of options.


First of all, log in and check your UCAS account or call your chosen university, you might still have your place.

You just missed out- but don’t panic!

UCAS’s clearing system allows applicants to browse university places still to be snapped up.

You’ll want to check what’s available as soon as possible, as places will go fast!

Otherwise, you can always take a year out and reapply. Use the time to work and save money or travel and broaden your horizons.

You have your place at uni- congrats!

Do you have everything you need for university?
Do you have everything you need for university?

Now you can start preparing for the next big stage. Have a look at what books you’ll need and look into your accommodation.

See if there are any Facebook groups where you can contact fellow students before the sememster starts, it will help put you at ease before you make the big move.


Also, call up your school friends and meet up for one last hurrah. You'll see each other again, of course, but leaving for university can be a bittersweet time when it means leaving behind close friends.

You can also choose to defer your place and take a gap year, either to travel or to work.

Not going to uni- now what?

If you’re not going into further education, then it’s time to think about what your next step is.

Whether you choose to take a year out or get started on your chosen career, either way you will probably have to look for a job…

How do I look for a job?

The first thing you need to do is create a CV. Find a mentor- a teacher, parent or older brother or sister- to help you structure your CV.


Your CV will need to contain your personal information, contact details, national insurance number, exam results and work experience.

For each job you apply for you will also have to write a cover letter catered to the position.

Work experience is often more valuable to employers than exam results, this takes time to acquire so don’t panic if you don’t land your dream job straight away. have amazing opportunities for young people, as well as advice on how to apply for jobs.

Do I want to take a year out?

If you’re not sure about what you want to do, don’t worry, there is no rush! Instead, why not use this time to take a year out? You’ve been in education for 14 years, it’s time for a break!

Spend a year working abroad (in the sunshine!)

Either you can look for a job to tide you over until you decide what you were born to do- or you can use this as an opportunity to explore the world!

What can I do on a gap year?

You can volunteer or work abroad, TEFL courses are reasonably priced and the qualification looks great on your CV.

Teach English abroad!

Why not draw some inspiration from The Inbetweeners lads and head down under? Back packing can be a challenging but valuable experience, and will definitely train you up for the real world.


If you didn’t get the results you wanted, remember: “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again,” Richard Branson

For more info contact UCAS's exam results helpline

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