Photos of a smiling teenager posing next to big cats that she had just hunted an killed shocked animal lovers all over the world, and teenager, Kendall Jones, who was posing the photos was soon blasted for her hobby.
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But Kendall’s father Cody Jones has since spoken out in defence of her daughter, referring to her as a ‘humanitarian.’

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Cody told TMZ that the killings were humane, describing the lion death as a ‘mercy killing’ because the lion had become too old to ‘keep up with it’s pack.’
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He also added that the rhino Kendall posed beside was not dead or injured, but in fact tranquilised and on it’s way to see the vet.

The animals that Kendall did kill- which included leopards, elephants and other lions- her father claims are not on the endangered list.
A spokesman for PETA said: “Her only interest is slaughtering wildlife for a cheap thrill," adding that she's showboating "in a desperate quest to secure a macabre reality show.”
Following the controversy over the snaps, it has been claimed that the animal ranges make money from hunting holidays which help pay for the upkeep of the parks.
Do you agree with what Kendall has done? Let us know in the comments below: