It’s not exactly news that a successful marriage takes a lot of hard work.
David Beckham even spoke about how difficult it can be over the weekend, and coming from one half of a power couple that seem to have the world at their feet, that’s pretty telling.
So when newlyweds need advice, who are the best people to turn to?
Those who have already taken a good stab at a long-lasting, happy marriage, of course!
The latter have joined forces on Reddit in order to give newlyweds as much constructive advice as possible to give them the best chance of making their marriage last.
But what were the most common tips from the alumni of love (other than put the toilet seat down)?

Pick your battles
It’s easy to let little things niggle at you, which then develop into a full-blown argument, but decide which arguments are worth taking a stand for.
“My dad always taught me to ask myself "Is this the hill you want to die on?" In other words, before you refuse to budge on an issue, make REAL sure it is something you actually care that much about.
“Just regularly do little things you don't want to do.
“On the other side of that, of course, is that when you DO choose to stand your ground on an issue, your spouse will know it really matters to you because you don't make a fuss about trivial shit all the time.” - anon

**Communicate with each other **
The importance of communication in a relationship cannot be stressed enough, and the people of Reddit seem to think so too.
“Open communication is the most important aspect of any relationship.
“So many people give up on a relationship because they fail to communicate and have gross misunderstandings which are entirely preventable.
“Relationships are work, both partners need to continually contribute effort. That's where communication comes in.” – enigmaticevil

Always be honest
The idiom ‘honesty is the best policy’ didn’t come from nowhere!
“Be honest with one another about everything. Be open to change. Don't expect that things will be a certain way. Support one another. Never take each other for granted.” – supzaffo
Don’t forget who you are as individuals
Putting yourself first sometimes doesn’t make you selfish – and can help a healthy, happy marriage.
“Make sure you take out time for JUST yourself. Hobbies, time apart. But also make sure you’re spending time together. Find that balance that works well.” – rushaz

And then user Spoobles, who has been married for 27 years, pretty much summed up the key to a happy marriage in four brilliant points.
“It's a marathon, not a sprint. Some boredom and "woe is me" shit is bound to happen, let it take its course and don't overreact to it.
“You both need to make sacrifices, so be prepared to let some of your shit go. Accept that you won't and shouldn't win every argument. People get mad, just don't let it linger.
“Fantasies are cool but make sure they remain in fantasy land.
“Make sure you hold on to some of your own personal interests outside of the relationship. This is very important to both of you.
“You're not perfect and neither are they, so be forgiving.”
We’d say these users have hit the nail on the head!
Do you have any more advice for newlyweds? Or are you about to get married and looking for some more tips? Let us know what you think @CloserOnline via Facebook or Twitter.