READ: Adorable ‘sorry’ note from little girl caught throwing stones

This adorable ‘sorry’ letter was written by a little girl after she was caught naughtily throwing rocks at her neighbour’s house.


by Fiona Day |
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A little girl has written an extremely cute (and sincere) apology note to her neighbours after she was caught throwing rocks at their house.

Rather than scamper off and forget the incident had ever happen, the little girl took matters into her own hands and rectified the situation in the most polite and exceedingly cute manner possible.

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She wrote in her letter:

“Dear parents of the little boy,

“I am truly sorry for throwing stones and rocks at your door. I was actng very stupid and after you told me off I heard a baby crying and I wasn’t sure if it was your baby or not.

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“I am really sorry, like really, really sorry and I hope you can forgive me. “

To top things off, she even sent her own homemade version of a white flag in the shape of friendship bracelets.

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She taped the bracelets onto the note, writing “‘Here is a little present I made to show I am really sorry…”

“For mum… For baby boy… for dad”

How cute!

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