Professor Derman from the University of Cape Town assessed Pistorius's mental health as part of the murder trail, and came to the conclusion that the Paralympian is a 'paradox' of an individual; both incredibly able yet significantly disabled.

READ: Psychologist confirms Pistorius was not suffering from mental disorder at time of girlfriend's death
He added that Pistorius, who stands accused of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp last year, has a 'lifetime of real and learnt vulnerability as a consequence of his disability.'
The psychologist asserted that Oscar has a profound fear of crime, and that he is conditioned to react to loud noises (such as the gunshot at the start of a race.)
READ: Pistorius a 'hyper-vigilant' individual who was terrified of intruders, court hears
Meanwhile the rest of Oscar's defence team have today read from the psychologist's report, revealing that Oscar suffers from agoraphobia, and often feels anxious and defenceless with or without his prosthesis.
This fear is allegedly why the gold medal winner bought a gun in the first place, so he could feel less vulnerable in himself.
However, Prosecutor Gerrie Nel has disputed Professor Derman's claims, picking on small details in his testimony and suggesting that Derman is 'biased' towards the athlete.
The trial continues this afternoon.