Men in Pakistan make curry out of 100 dead bodies

Two brothers dug up over 100 dead bodies from a graveyard in Pakistan - in order to eat them.


by Ellie Hooper |
Published on

Mohammad Arif Ali, 35, and Mohammad Farman Ali, 30, were discovered when neighbours reported disgusting smells coming from their home.


The men were making curry from the corpses
The men were making curry from the corpses

When officers raided their home, they found the head of a three-year-old boy and a cooking pot filled with curry.

And this wasn’t a first time offence for the brothers, who had previously spent two years in jail when police found the body of a 24-year-old they has unearthed.

Since the gruesome case came to light, Pakistan has decided to make cannibalism illegal, and once the law is passed the pair could face life in jail.


One of the bills passing through the Pakistani National Assembly will make it illegal to rob a grave: ‘with intent to cook, eat, sell or to use for magic purposes.’

The second will outlaw consuming human flesh.

The first law will come with a mandatory sentence of 10 years to life in jail, while the latter automatically gets you 7 years in prison.

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