Malaysia airlines flight MH17 passenger eerily posts photo of the plane: ‘If it disappears this is what it looks like’

It has emerged that a passenger onboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 posted a photo online of the plane with a ‘joke’ about the aircraft ‘disappearing’ before boarding.

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by Fiona Day |
Published on

Dutch passenger Cor Pan was waiting in the departure lounge at Amsterdam airport before boarding the plane, which was bound for Kuala Lumpur.

He eerily tweeted a photo of the aircraft from the window of the departure lounge with the caption: ‘If it disappears, this is what it looks like.’


The plane was shot down over the Russia/Ukraine border (stock image)


The plane was shot down at 33, 000 feet as it flew over the Ukrainian/Russian border with 285 people on board.

Cor Pan was from the Netherlands where he lived in Volendam. He reportedly owned a florist alongside his partner Neeltje Tol. It is not known if they joined him on the flight.

So far, neither Ukraine or Russia is taking responsibility for the downing of MH17.

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