Breakthrough: Cancer could be ‘cured with one jab’ in just two years

Scientists have said they’ve found cancer’s ‘Achilles heel’

cancer cells jab

by Hayley Kadrou |
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British scientists have announced today that there’s been a breakthrough in cancer treatment, saying they’ve pinned down cancer cell’s ‘Achilles heel.’

Researchers at the University College London have discovered way of sourcing unique markings within tumours, earning the body can directly target the disease. The finding is said to not only be a ‘revolution’ in cancer treatment, but a positive step towards a cure.

The treatment could consist of bespoke therapies that hunt out and destroy cancer cells, regardless of their position in the body. It is hoped that this could begin taking place within two years.

However, at present the treatment hasn’t been tested on humans, and there may be different complications within the human body. It’s also estimated to be an expensive procedure.

cancer cells jab

Regardless, it’s still a revolutionary step and the thought to be the ‘backbone’ to future treatments and even lead to a cure. The information the discovery has provided may lead to a vaccine to help the immune system to fight cancer.

At present, cancer treatment drugs zero in on just one type of cell, even though the cancer cells can continue to change and mutate, meaning the medicine can be ineffective.

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