Thanks to the digital dating era, is now super easy to track trends when it comes to picking out the perfect partner, making the realm of romance a complex formula mathematics and scientists would eat their hearts outs for.
The newest addition to the equation is the timing, and the most popular time to log on for love has been revealed.
Best time to go online dating? 2pm on a Tuesday, apparently.
It makes perfect sense really. After the Monday mania, the post-lunch lull on a Tuesday afternoon is the perfect time to pretend you’re doing work while secretly updating your profile explaining that you are into running after you went on your first jog of the summer on Sunday evening.
If fact, this time saw a whopping 194% increase in activity. Wowza.

The people over at dating site that this period was the biggest spike time on their site, when all the singletons (we hope, anyway) logged on to check out the latest profiles.
In fact, desk side dating tends to be rather popular on the site, as back-to-work blues sees the most popular times being on a Monday or Tuesday during your average working hours. And they’ve been quite successful in the procrastinating endeavours, as 15 per cent of hopefuls have admitted to planning a date while on the job. Two birds, ey?
Jemima Wade, expert, said: “It’s fascinating that Tuesday lunchtime – not the most traditionally romantic of times – is when people are most likely to arrange their love lives. With such a busy pace to our working lives, it makes sense that we’re seeing people use their lunch break to organise dates. At eHarmony, we match you based on 29 dimensions of compatibility and deliver these quality matches right to your inbox, meaning even if you feel rushed off your feet, you’ll still have time to invest in your love life.”
Surprisingly, the weekend is when our love lives are put to the side, as 8pm on a Sunday evening is like a ghosttown in digital dating.

So if you want to know when the best time to get swiping, check out the top ten spike times here:
Tuesday between 2pm and 2.30pm – 194%
Tuesday between 2.30pm and 3pm – 149 %
Tuesday between 1:30pm and 2pm – 141%
Monday between 1:30pm and 2pm – 128%
Monday between 2pm and 2:30pm – 122%
Monday between 1pm and 1.30pm – 121%
Wednesday between 2pm and 2.30pm – 121%
Monday between 12.30pm and 1pm – 119%
Tuesday between 1pm and 1.30pm – 116%
Tuesday between 12:30pm and 1pm - 116%
And other top times to avoid were Monday between 6:30pm - 7pm, Tuesday between 7:30 - 8pm and Thursday between 1:30am - 2am.
As well as work, us Brits love arranging dates from… the pub. It is the British way after all! We couldn’t possibility admit to fancying somebody – even on a dating site – unless we’ve warmed up with a bit of Dutch courage, ey?
And the other most popular places people ask their crush on a date is...

And how long do admirers wait to ask the magic questions? 29 days on average apparently – and that’s whether you meet them IRL or online.
Now add that all to your lucky-in-love formula.