Love Horoscopes: Will you find love in 2017?

Find out what's in store for your love life

will I find love in 2017

by CloserOnline |
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Aquarius – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … you decide that's what you really want. Your sign has amazing eclipse energy which means anything can happen this coming year, including you falling in love with 'the one'. And if and when you do find someone wonderful, you might be pleased to hear that happy Jupiter in your Sex Zone means the sex could be rather fabulous!

No, you won't if … you talk before you think and alienate would-be lovers with too much frankness!

Pisces – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … you want to. You have lucky Jupiter in your Love Zone between now and September. The stage hasn't been this set to find true love for more than 10 years. So get out there and meet people. Go online. Do more Tinder. The more you have a go and open up to the idea of love, the more likely it is that this could be your lucky in love year.

No, you won't if … you play the field too much or gush too much!

Aries – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … you open yourself up to all the opportunities the universe is sending you, especially after September. Lucky Jupiter in your Love Zone for the first time in more than 10 years is a massive boost to your love life. So get out there and have a good flirt. You will have more love options in late 2017 than you’ve had in ages.

No, you won't if … you're still pining for your ex when you know you should have let go!

Taurus – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … you're willing to let someone get under your skin. You can learn what it means to be truly, emotionally intimate with someone in 2017. But that means allowing them to see the real you. Word to the wise: you have great Stars for having fun in 2017 whether you're single or attached but having fun makes you even more appealing.

No, you won't if … you allow the pain from the past to keep you closed off from romance.

Gemini – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … you are looking for true love that lasts with some who is not afraid to commit. Trying to turn meaningless fun into something serious just won’t work in 2017. Saturn in your Love Zone means you need a relationship where there is little to no game-playing and you both act like adults. Yes, it sounds a bit tedious but it could lead to … forever!

No, you won't if … you allow yourself to get too depressed about the state of your love life!

Cancer – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … you simmer down. Losing your cool as soon as someone challenges you might make you feel better but it's almost guaranteed to drive away a new partner. Also be careful that you're not coming across as too intense too early on. If all goes well, Pluto gives you the chance to allow love to transform your life. For real.

No, you won't if … if you act jealous or paranoid – Pluto can do that to you but avoid, avoid!

Leo – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … if you forget about the past and focus on what you want here and now from love. There is an eclipse in your Love Zone in August which means you're one of the signs this year whose love life can truly move from woe to wow! Also work on your self-esteem – the more you love yourself, the more others will too.

No, you won't if … you work so hard that you don't allow yourself any time to look for love.

Virgo – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … you believe in the power of love and your chances of finding a soul mate. Of all the signs, you arguably have the best cosmic support when it comes to finding someone who really does feel like 'your other half'. But you have to believe it can happen! 2017 can heal past love traumas. Plus you have Lady Luck on your side until September.

No, you won't if … you keep choosing people who you already know are going to let you down…

Libra – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … if you are willing to go with the flow when it comes to love. Mad Uranus in your Love Zone is urging you to find a new beloved who is just nothing at all like any of your exes. Look way beyond your 'type' and you could get well and truly whacked by Cupid's arrow. Someone exciting is most definitely in the stars for you.

No, you won't if … you try to control your potential partner. Your 2017 love is likely to want freedom. Get your personalised love chart here

Scorpio – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … you accept that things go at their own pace. The more you try to hurry love this year, especially in July and August, the more trouble your love life is likely to give you. As well, if you've become a work-a-holic in the past few years, change that. You're far more likely to find the one if you actually have enough energy to socialise!

No, you won't if … you don't love yourself enough. And that's a risk, with Saturn in your Self-Love Zone.

Sagittarius – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … you're prepared to take love seriously, to do the hard yards required when committing to a proper relationship and to learn the lessons that your love life and your partner is teaching you (or that your ex taught you). You have Saturn in your Love Zone – it's a drag but it can turn flirtations into something more serious. Be honest, true and realistic.

No, you won't if … you focus on the negative in potential new partners or constantly expect the worst. Get your personalised love chart here

Capricorn – will you find 'the one' in 2017?

Yes, you will if … you master your temper. Pluto in your sign is making many Capricorns bad-tempered. However if you can master your emotions, you will become more of a power player in all parts of your life, including your love life. Once you get this sorted, you will have a sort of magical ability to summon up whatever you want, including your perfect partner. The skies kid you not.

No, you won't if … you work too hard. A very easy trap for Capricorns!

(Note – Yasmin doesn't actually believe in the idea of the one – there are lots of 'ones' for all of us- but it sounds good!) You can read Yasmin's stars here!

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