**"Will you marry me?" **

It’s one of the most important questions someone can ask you - but how will you know when they’re going to do it? Well, while only time will truly tell when, where, how, and IF your partner will ask you to marry them, there are some subtle (and not so subtle) signs that they’re planning to put a ring on it…
**They're sizing you up **

Has your favourite ring disappeared? Has your best friend started not-so-casually asking you what size ring you wear - or has your mum tried to get you to try on her wedding ring? They’re all signs that a ring is being thought about.
**They're obsessed with diamonds **
Have they suddenly started commenting on celebrity bling, your friend’s engagement ring, or just rings in the jewellery shop window? IT IS A MASSIVE HINT!!!
**Google has betrayed them **

You’ve borrowed their laptop, started typing into Google and ‘engagement rings’ suddenly pops up in the toolbar’s search history.Yeah, hardly the most subtle - but 67% of men have admitted to researching engagement rings online.
**They're BFFs with your mum and dad **
If a close connection has developed between your parents and your partner, it's more than likely that they've had "the talk."
**In fact, they're just digging your entire family **

Have they been taking the initiative to make plans with your family? This shows they’re serious - plus it gives them more time to connect with your loved ones before they pop the question.
**They've become a total cheapskate **
Is your boo suddenly VERY uptight about finances? Research has shown that, when a proposal is in the works, your future husband or wife is more likely to be a bit of a Scrooge when it comes to money. Say goodbye to takeaways and a big fat HELLO to homemade spaghetti bolognese.Try not to moan. It’s all for a good cause…
**Your family and friends are behaving VERY odd... **

Are your family acting slightly more insane than usual? Are they dragging you into jewellery shops, asking you weird questions about marriage, or trying to get you to comment on jewellery styles ? Then they’re probably in on it.Trust no one.
**... and they're always VERY excited whenever you call **
“What’s new? Do you have any news? TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!”They’re usually happy to hear from you, sure, but this is ridiculous. It might be down to the fact that they've been clued in that a proposal is on the horizon. So yeah, they think that every call is THAT call.
**They keep hinting you should get your nails done **

What’s this sudden obsession with the nails, eh? Might be to do with the fact that your hand is going to be the focus of a very important life event in the not-so-distant future…
Your partner has taken the reigns on your holiday plans
Either they’re planning the holiday completely, or they’re intent on planning a full day and night of it. How very suspicious…
**And they don't trust the airlines AT ALL **

You’ve seen Meet The Parents, right? There’s a reason Ben Stiller didn’t want to check his bag, even when it wouldn't fit in the carry-on - and it had a lot to do with that diamond ring hidden inside it.
**They're being very secretive **
Have they been acting distantly? Are they being oddly protective of their laptop or phone, when they were always an open book before? Have they been behaving oddly about packages? Don’t assume the worst - they might be trying to cover up evidence of their proposal plans.
**They're like Houdini **

They’ve told you they’re going shopping, then come back hours later without a single bag to be seen. And they’re not the window shopping type, at all. Could it be that they’ve been shopping for a ring…?
**They're all up in your business **
They want to know your plans for a very specific time on a very specific day - and, when you ask why, they have a VERY lame excuse. “Er, I just wondered because my mum might pop over…”You get the picture.
**They're ultra-nervous **

It’s like your first date all over again; they can’t concentrate on what you’re saying, they keep dashing to the loo, they keep patting at their pockets, and they won’t sit still. Something’s going on - and it might not just be a dodgy tummy.
**They want to go on a walk **
It’s late / cold / windy / rainy… and they STILL want to go for a walk? When they’d usually much rather be snuggled up with a DVD box set and a beer? Hmm…
**They keep talking about the future **

Your beau’s inclined to talk about the future. Whether it’s about “us” in one year’s time, five years time or ten years time, they want you to be a part of it. And that’s seriously special news, engagement ring or not!
They're down on one knee
Stop reading this - it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for!