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With a heat wave comes high UV rays, which means you and your family are at risk of suffering from nasty sunburn.Protect yourself and your loved ones by stocking up on high factor sun cream with a decent UV protection rating. Don't go any less than factor 25!

As much as we love summer, with the sunshine come hungry bugs that like to munch on our legs and arms- ouch! Avoid being left with unsightly (and itchy) bite marks and seek out some strong insect repellant to keep your limbs bite-free.
As much as we love summer, with the sunshine come hungry bugs that like to munch on our legs and arms- ouch! Avoid being left with unsightly (and itchy) bite marks and seek out some strong insect repellant to keep your limbs bite-free

No matter what size you are, you may fall victim to the painful hot-weather reality of chafing. Apply some roll on deodorant to your inner thighs and inner arms to avoid any panful redness. Talcum powder is also a great product to help avoid any uncomfortable side effects of hot weather activity.
No matter what size you are, you may fall victim to the painful hot-weather reality of chafing. Apply some roll on deodorant to your inner thighs and inner arms to avoid any panful redness. Talcum powder is also a great product to help avoid any uncomfortable side effects of hot weather activity

We're all human, and we all sweat. It's the body's natural way of cooling down, but that doesn't mean you need to put up with unsightly sweat patches! Invest in a good deodorant and reapply regularly throughout the day. Also avoid pastel and grey fabrics as they have no mercy when it comes to heatwave moistness.
We're all human, and we all sweat. It's the body's natural way of cooling down, but that doesn't mean you need to put up with unsightly sweat patches! Invest in a good deodorant and reapply regularly throughout the day. Also avoid pastel and grey fabrics as they have no mercy when it comes to heatwave moistness

This is a no brainer, but it is SO important to stay hydrated during hot weather. Keep a bottle of water on you at all times. At night, refill and stick in the fridge to keep it cool or pop in a couple of ice cubes.
This is a no brainer, but it is SO important to stay hydrated during hot weather. Keep a bottle of water on you at all times. At night, refill and stick in the fridge to keep it cool or pop in a couple of ice cubes

Large dinners and lunches can make you feel sluggish in hot weather. Try and eat smaller meals at more regular intervals to avoid feeling overheated and bloated in the height of summer.
Large dinners and lunches can make you feel sluggish in hot weather. Try and eat smaller meals at more regular intervals to avoid feeling overheated and bloated in the height of summer

Sun stroke is caused by lengthy periods in the sunshine and suffering from sunburn. Heat stroke can occur even whist inside, and symptoms include a headache, muscle cramps, fast heart rate and fats breathing. Heat exhaustion can be more serious and potentially fatal, especially if you suffer form an underlying medical condition such as diabetes or heart problems. Symptoms include feeling sick, faint and sweating heavily.

Black absorbs heat and can cause you to feel even hotter during a heatwave. Try and swap your usually black attire for lighter colours and fabrics to help keep you cool.
Black absorbs heat and can cause you to feel even hotter during a heatwave. Try and swap your usually black attire for lighter colours and fabrics to help keep you cool

Don't forget that your eyes can suffer from sun damage, too. Make sure yours are protected with sunglasses that have a UV protective barrier.
Don't forget that your eyes can suffer from sun damage, too. Make sure yours are protected with sunglasses that have a UV protective barrier

Keep a can of cooling spray in your handbag for those sweaty moments on buses and trains. We promise you it will be one of the best decisions you made all summer.Try this Banana Boat Ultra Mist Aloe Vera Spray for £5

Put your fruit drinks and water bottles in your freezer so you have an icy treat to come home to.
Put your fruit drinks and water bottles in your freezer so you have an icy treat to come home to




