While on stage on Sunday evening, singer Rita Ora worked autumns gothic trend in her figure hugging Dolce & Gabbana gown beautifully. The star gave her outfit a tougher feel by teaming it with a chunky crucifix necklace, a pair of stand out danglies and of course a slick of her signature red lippy!
Looking every bit just as glam but working a totally different vibe in her rosey number, was Eva Longoria on the red carpet last week. Part leather, part lace, the actress let her Zuhair Murad dress do all the talking and kept her accessories to a minimum.
If you’re feeling inspired but the thought of working such a bold tone from head to toe is a little daunting – try breaking up the colour with a jacket or layer over a white shirt or tee. Keep it chic by finishing your frock with a metallic shoe and accessories and keep your makeup understated.
If, like us, you don’t have many occasions that require wearing a floor length lacey gown – opt for one of these high street heroes to work the trend during the day.