Home|Lifestyle|FashionCloser’s favourite Spring trainersFancy getting fitter? Here are the best trainers to kickstart your new exercise regime!by Closer staff | Published on16th April 2014 at 10.56amGalleryCloser's favourite Spring trainers1 of 8Haraka Ws BluWhtPnk A003049_031 CAT2 of 8113271 Skechers Sport Flex Appeal Sweet Trainer £533 of 8Gel Zaraca 24 of 8V605265 of 844110180_8080_MERRE#10B30426 of 8F32279_SL_B2CCat7 of 8W Nimble R2 hi8 of 819007-1_1Just so you know, we may receive a commission or other compensation from the links on this website - read why you should trust us