REVEALED: The top 10 things that REALLY make you a mum

baby with mum

by Emma Dodds |
Published on

Researchers think they have discovered the top 10 things that really make you a mum.

We all know it - there's SO much more to being a mum than carrying a child and giving birth to them.

We're sure lots of mums will feel this, but mums are often the most overlooked people in the family, especially considering all the things they do for others that get taken for granted.

But a survey of 1,015 mums has compiled the list of what they believe to be the REAL things that make you a mum.

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The poll, undertaken by, found the nine in 10 mums agreed that how they came to have their child is no longer an important factor of being a mother.

It also found that 71% of mums believe that there is far too much emphasis on "perfect, conventional" mums portrayed in the media.

Hear, hear!

A third of mums wanted to see teenage mums shown in a more positive light, and 21% wanted more recognition for young widowed women who were bringing up children.

Sadly, 45% of mums admitted that older generations can say the most hurtful things as they struggle to keep up with modern society.

The top 10 things that really make you a mum


The top 10 things that really make you a mum

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CREDIT: Getty Images

1) Being there when your child needs you

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2) Wanting your child’s happiness more than your own

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3) Coping with all the highs and lows of parenting

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4) Loving your child unconditionally

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5) Being emotionally available for your child

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6) Answering all their questions dozens of times

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7) Doing the drudgery of domestic chores like washing, cooking and cleaning out of love

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CREDIT: Getty Images

8) Going without so your child has what they need

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9) Being pregnant and giving birth

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CREDIT: Getty Images

10) Having a biological child

**What do you think? Do you agree with the list? Let us know over on **Facebook and Twitter.


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