Everyone has their own unique story of the pandemic, and your individual experiences are now more important than ever, because your story could help shape the future for generations to come.
Every Story Matters provides everyone in the UK with an opportunity to help the UK Covid-19 Inquiry to understand the impact of the pandemic.

Every single person in the UK was affected by the pandemic and, in many cases, it continues to have a lasting impact on lives. This is your opportunity to share the impact it had on you, your life and your family, with the Inquiry.
Anyone can share their story.
Each individual experience shared will play a part in the Inquiry’s investigations and help lessons to be learned.. Everyone's experience will count, they will be summarised and provided to the Inquiry as evidence of the human impact of the pandemic.
If you were pregnant, gave birth or had a very young baby or child during the pandemic, then your story could be vital.
Stories like Georgina’s below are not only important to the Inquiry, but they deserve to be heard.
Becoming a new mum is life changing, becoming one during such an unprecedented time is on another level. Your story could make a difference. By telling your story you could help avoid another new mum feeling so isolated and worried.

Georgina’s Story.
My experience of being pregnant and then having a baby in lockdown was, frankly, awful.
I’d had a miscarriage prior to this pregnancy but had to attend every scan and appointment on my own while my husband waited in the carpark to find out if this baby was going to be ok.
Then after the 20-week scan we were told that the baby was at risk of Down’s Syndrome, and I had to attend follow-up tests by myself. Meanwhile, my husband and I were both trying to work full time jobs while caring for a three-year-old whose nursery was shut.
Baby Charlie was born at 6:21am on 27 October 2020. My husband was allowed to stay with us for one hour after the birth. After that, I was alone. I couldn’t have a wash, or even put a pair of knickers on, for 10 hours as there was no-one there to hold the baby. The doctors also had some concerns about Charlie’s health, luckily, she was absolutely fine and a healthy baby, but the waiting to find out with no one there to support me was incredibly stressful.
If you were pregnant, gave birth or had a baby or young child during the pandemic, Every Story Matters really wants to hear your experience.
Every story is valuable and could change the future. It’s simple to submit your story, just follow the link below.
Share your story with the UK Covid-19 Inquiry at www.everystorymatters.co.uk