The Shettles Method is the world's best known gender selection method, achieving fame in the million copy bestseller How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby, by Dr Shettles.
It basically boils down to this: men produce two types of sperm which already contain the sex chromosome, pre-determining the sex of the baby-to-be. The X chromosome being female and Y chromosome being male.
Dr. Shettles found from his studies that the male sperm are smaller, weaker and faster than the female sperm, which are bigger, stronger and slower. Therefore he was able to come to the following suggestions to help couples try and choose the sex of their baby.
PLEASE NOTE: Gender selection should not rule your pregnancy - the most desired outcome should always be a healthy baby, regardless of gender.
Have intercourse 12 hours before ovulation - and just once on the day of ovulation itself. This means that the faster Y-sperm do not waste their short lives waiting for the egg to be released - and, more importantly, the environment of the vagina is more hospitable, meaning it is easier for them to survive.
The father should try not to ejaculate during the 4-5 days before ovulation, to allow a higher sperm count to build up.
Wear a condom
Yeah, we know - it sounds strange, doesn't it? But wearing a condom before and after ovulation prevents the possibility of having a girl.
Keep it cool
The father should try to avoid excessive heat around the scrotum, as the optimum temperature for sperm production is a little lower than body temperature. Avoig tight-fitting clothes, stick to boxers and avoid hot tubs.
Go doggy-style
Intercourse with deep vaginal penetration is supposed to deposit the sperm as close to the cervix as possible, avoiding exposure to the more acidic vaginal environment. This may be achieved by the man's penis entering the woman's vagina from behind (rather than using the traditional face to face missionary position).
The woman should try and stay in bed for at least 20 to 30 minutes after intercourse. Some women will place a pillow under their hips, to raise them slightly, aimed at encouraging the sperm to enter the uterus.

You need to, ideally, have sex 2 to 4 days before ovulation. Why? Because the X-sperm are more resilient, so the Y-sperm should perish first and make it more likely to conceive a girl.
Have sex often
After the last day of your period, have intercourse frequently, up until 2 to 4 days before you suspect you will ovulate. This should naturally lower the father's sperm count, which apparently favours couples trying for a girl.
Avoid orgasm
Sigh. The woman should apparently try to avoid having an orgasm, as it will make her cervix to become more alkaline - therefore making it a more hospitable environment for the faster swimming Y-sperm.
Avoiding deep vaginal penetration so that the sperm will pass through the woman's more acidic vaginal canal, aimed at favouring 'girl' sperm. This may be achieved by the couple using the face to face missionary position with shallow penetration at the time of ejaculation.

If you are taking longer than expected to conceive, it is generally not recommended to attempt any kind of sex selection as it can increase the time it takes to conceive.
Would you ever try the Shettles Method for yourself? Have you already tried it - and, if so, what were the results? Let us know via the comments box below now.