Do YOU remember to clean these top 10 most forgotten about places in the house?


by Emma Dodds |
Published on

We can't believe these top 10 most forgotten about areas to clean of the home

Are you a neat freak or a bit of a slob?

Don't worry - we're not judging.

Because even the tidiest people can forget to clean actual window sills and behind the toilet. We're guilty of it ourselves, so you're not alone if you've found yourself nodding along whilst reading.

In a study conducted by Web-Blinds, only a third of people aged 21 and over in the UK clean their homes once a week.

©Getty Images

The study, which spoke to 2,489 people, found that 13% of people clean their house at least twice a week OR MORE, 29% of those surveyed clean their house once a fortnight and 19% of people actually don't clean their homes unless people are coming round to visit.


We were also surprised by the most popular day to clean the house in the UK. We would have thought Sunday would be the most obvious day - or is that just us?!

Thursday is the most popular day in the UK to clean the home (Credit: Getty Images) ©Getty Images

It might actually be, since Sunday only took 18% of the votes. Saturday was second popular with 27% - but Thursday is actually the most popular day to clean your house in the UK. Who knew?!

Now onto the nitty-gritty... We know you're all dying to find out whether other people forget the same places as you.

The top place that people forgot to clean in their home was... Under the sofa! Nearly half of the people interviewed said they forgot to clean the dust under the settee, over a third forget to clean behind the toilet (well, it's a pretty tricky place to get at!) and 34% of people forget to clean the inside of their fridge on a regular basis.

42% of people forget to clean underneath the sofa (Credit: Getty Images) ©Getty Images

Here are the top ten places people forget to clean in their house:

  1. Underneath the sofa – 42% (% of respondents that revealed they don’t clean this area of their home)
  1. Behind the toilet – 37%
  1. Inside the fridge – 34%
  1. Inside the oven – 32%
  1. Behind the TV cabinet/stand – 26%
  1. Underneath the bed – 23%
  1. On top of shelves/wardrobes – 22%
  1. Stairs/bannisters – 17%
  1. Skirting boards – 14%
  1. Windows/window sills – 11%

We're a mucky bunch, aren't we!

Do you agree with these stats? Is there somewhere else that you ALWAYS forget to clean? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.

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