50 ways to make your relationship last forever, from loved-up elderly couples!

Want to make sure your relationship lasts forever? Check out these 50 sweet love tips from elderly couples…

disney's carl and ellie from up

by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

What is love?

And, more importantly, how do we make that beautiful feeling last forever?

Well, Retirementmove.co.uk may just have the answer for us.

Their researchers sat down with 2,000 people over the age of 50-years-old, to ask them that very question.

And their answers were absolutely ADORABLE!

From never taking one another for granted, to saying ‘I love you’ at least nine times a week, there are plenty of easy-to-follow tips on the list.

Throw in the idea that we should kiss at least seven times a week to keep the passion alive, and it seems as if these guys know exactly what they’re talking about.

Are you ready to listen to your elders?

Here are the top 50 ways to ensure your love lasts a lifetime:

  1. Supporting each other through tough times

  2. Building a home together

  3. Not taking each other for granted

  4. Missing your partner when they are away

  5. Remembering the little things

  6. Not being afraid to show weakness

  7. Being ‘in tune’ with each other

  8. When you can comfortably sit in silence

  9. Agreeing to disagree sometimes

  10. Knowing when something is wrong

  11. Holding hands while in your fifties and later

  12. Wanting them to let you know they arrived safely after a long journey

  13. Being able to confide in them about anything

  14. Valuing your partner’s needs over your own

  15. Laughing at each other’s jokes – even if not funny

  16. Going for a long walk together

  17. Worrying for their safety when they go on a night out/away

  18. Making tea/coffee for each other

  19. Feeling comfortable discussing medical or health issues

  20. Remembering life is for living

  21. Encouraging your partner in their career

  22. Supporting each other when parenting

  23. Not having to dress to impress them

  24. Knowing when to bite your tongue

  25. Having adventures together

  26. Suffering no embarrassment at total nudity with each other

  27. Encouraging silliness in each other

  28. Arranging surprise breaks away

  29. Cooking a nice mid-week dinner

  30. Feeling a sense of pride at how your partner conducts themselves

  31. Sitting through television/films you hate but partner likes

  32. Being able to insult them without them taking it personally

  33. Tidying up after yourself

  34. Getting on with your in-laws no matter how difficult

  35. Bringing home food (or cake) without being asked

  36. Sharing your last Rolo

  37. Being able to talk absolute gibberish

  38. Not minding them looking at other men/women

  39. Not being grossed out/ put off by anything they do

  40. Recording your favourite programme for you

  41. Admitting when you’re rubbish at DIY

  42. Finishing each other’s sentences

  43. Knowing what to order at the bar without asking

  44. Boasting to other people about your partner’s achievements

  45. Giving your partner control of the television

  46. Watching soaps together

  47. Getting up early to sort out the kids

  48. Getting nice presents especially jewellery

  49. Liking each other’s’ friends

  50. Hating the same things

Ah, bringing home food; that’s a VERY important tip, if you ask us!

The tips are all very sweet - and small enough to be integrated into everyday life.

It seems as if everlasting love isn’t about making huge gestures, or buying over-the-top presents.

Instead, it’s about shared experiences; from joyful adventures, to watching a TV show, to supporting each other through the dark times, love is about so much more than passion.

It’s about friendship, companionship, and forging a very special team of two!

Which of these tips is your favourite?

Let us know via Facebook or Twitter (@CloserOnline) now.

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