There are SO MANY methods to try and predict your baby's gender - but this newest technique could really be onto something...
Mums-to-be are asking strangers to guess their baby’s sex by posting scan pictures online, in a wacky new craze sweeping the internet.
Traditional medical scans won't determine whether a baby is male or female until 20 weeks - but some experts think it is possible to predict the foetus' sex at 12 weeks...
Apparently, it's super easy to tell by analysing the skull shape and ‘nub’ area between the legs.
Boys predominately have squarer chins, a chunkier skull shape and more pronounced brow ridge, whereas girl’s skulls have a smaller brow ridge and more pointed chins.
GALLERY: The top 10 things that REALLY make you a mum
The top 10 things that really make you a mum (slider)

mum with child

1) Being there when your child needs you

2) Wanting your child’s happiness more than your own

3) Coping with all the highs and lows of parenting

4) Loving your child unconditionally

5) Being emotionally available for your child

6) Answering all their questions dozens of times

7) Doing the drudgery of domestic chores like washing, cooking and cleaning out of love

8) Going without so your child has what they need

9) Being pregnant and giving birth

10) Having a biological child
Babies with a ‘nub’ – or genital tubercle – angled at greater than 30 degrees are likely to be boys, while girls' nubs sits below 30 degrees.
Some experts claim up to 88% accuracy using the technique - making it more effective than the 75% of parents who said their 20-week scan correctly predicted their baby’s sex.
According to a study by parenting site, 45% of pregnant women now take part in the phenomenon known as the ‘nub and skull theory’.
WATCH: ChannelMum discuss the nub and skull theory gender expert Lisa Lum said: "The Nub and Skull theory is the fastest-growing gender prediction technique simply because it’s so social.
''Three-quarters of mums who try it say they like getting other people’s opinions on their child’s sex while 30 per cent see it as a worldwide craze they like to be part of.
''While no non-medical technique is 100% accurate, it’s fun and brings people together, which is exactly what children should do at all ages."
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What do you think to this baby gender prediction method? Have you ever tried the Nub and Skull method? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.
Baby boy or girl? Traditional ways to predict your baby’s gender
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