There’s nothing like that moment when you hold your baby for the first time; no feeling or experience will ever compare.
And now one photographer, who has recently become a mother herself, has undergone a project to truly capture that intimate initial greeting between parents and their newborns.
Naturally, the results are stunning and overwhelming, embodying so much raw love and emotion – and sometimes a little bit of fear and wonder too!
The talented photographer, Marry Fermont, has already snapped the delivery of over 100 babies. Her blog explained she’s pictured everything from home births, to hospital births and water births.
She studied midwifery before making the move into the photography industry, becoming the first birth photographer in the Netherlands in 2011.
Marry Fermont, the genius behind it all, told us here at Closer Online:
"I decided to start with birth photography during my study of Midwifery. Taking photos was already a passion and this seemed to be a great way to combine two things I loved. Since there were no birth photographers in the Netherlands back then it seemed to be a good step - and it was!
"I love being part of such a special moment in peoples life! To be able to capture one of the best moment of their live is truly the best."

"This [pictured above] moment I truly loved. The grandmother was there for the birth and at this moment the grandfather walked in and they were so extremely happy! But honestly, all the moments are wonderful, it’s hard to pick one that was my favourite in my career so far."
Marry also explained that, since becoming a mother herself, she's become all the more emotionally attached to her work, saying:
"All the cliches are true. You don’t know what it is really like to have a baby until you have one yourself.
"I’m even more in the moment than I was before. It’s like now I really know what they are going through!"
See some of the moving images here:

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See more of Marry's work at