Juggling motherhood with, well, the rest of life, is never a simple task. And with a new survey conducted by Actimel revealing that 55 per cent of mums feel getting themselevs and little ones ready and out of the house in the morning is the most chaotic part fo the day, it's safe to say we could all use some help smoothing out our morning routines.
And we're sure many mums and dads can relate to these obstacles rated the most challenging in the morning by parents: searching for matching socks (15%), wiping food stains off their kids clothes (11%), finding the school shoes (15%) and even convincing them to take off their favourite pair of pyjamas (6%).
Mum-of-two Myleene Klass has teamed up with the morning drink in a bid to help other parents manage their time a bit better in the build up to the school run.
On motherhood, she explained:
“Being a mum gives you this real sort of life-balance showing you what is important. I don’t know how I ever had time to do things like read a book in the bath! It’s a real leveller, extremely grounding and so much fun.
“I’m lucky I have a job that I genuinely love and I get to take my girls with me. But at the same time I have a great empathy with other women, with single mums and dads. We’re all in it together. When you think what being a mum entails, it’s the most powerful word in the world.”
Hear hear!
Mylenne Klass’s top tips to help you manage your time in the morning

Never underestimate the power of planning
Taking two minutes to plan tomorrow’s outfit will save minutes of stress in the morning and helps me feel fabulous all day. I find bright colours or a simple dress really keeps me in good spirits whether it’s for a business lunch, the school run or even a drink with my girlfriends.
Locate your children’s shoes and socks in advance
Seriously, where is the magic compartment in the back of a tumble dryer where these disappear to!? My kids shoes and socks always magically disappear in the morning. Now, I always pop them at the end of their beds with folded outfits (or at least on the shoe rack) any time savers help reduce morning mania.
Allow yourself to have your morning ‘me’ moment
Once the kids are dropped off or you’re on your way to work in your car or on a train, allow yourself a ‘me’ moment after your busy morning: read a book, listen and sing-along to your favourite song and get yourself ready to take on the rest of the day.
Keep healthy treats in arm’s reach at all times
Juggling children, a job and just general life is a lot to squeeze in to one day. I need lots of energy throughout the day as a busy mum so love having some healthy snacks such as Actimel, nuts, or fruit on the go.
Remember that us mums are in it together!
Not so much a tip but more of a motto, a reminder, a high five or a group hug. Life as a mum is chaotic at times but seriously we really are in it all together. I find that sharing stories with my friend about my little girl pouring sticky orange juice down herself minutes before the annual school photo are the stories which make me smile in reflection.
Do you have any tips to share to help other mum manage their mornings?
Let us know on our Facebook or Twitter page