THIS is how much mums spend on replacing things lost by their kids before they’re 10


by Emma Dodds |
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A study has found that mums spend a total of £1,589 replacing items that are lost by their kids before the age of 10.

Not only that, but they lose TWO DAYS of their lives searching for misplaced things that children have either conveniently or genuinely lost.

The research found that on average, children will lose 483 belongings in the first 10 years of their lives - and found that hats, jumpers and cuddly toys were the most likely to go missing.

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Of those 483 things, 62% will NEVER be recovered - which is where the £1,589 spent on replacing things comes into play.

The most strangest places to find a misplaced item were found to be fridges, in tumble dryers and, in one instance, on the roof of a car.

The study, commissioned by Neatlynamed, a manufacturer of labels for children's clothing and belongings, surveyed 1,000 mums whose children were aged between three and 10-years-old.

Fiona Mills from Neatlynamed said: "We commissioned this research to show just how difficult it can be to keep track of children's belongings.

"Mums might not realise how many items will go missing during their kid's formative years so it's really interesting to see the figures for this.

"As mums prepare for going back to school over the coming weeks these findings also make you wonder just where all the items lost disappear to."

The most popular place that an item might go missing was at school or nursery, followed by playing inside at home.

But another shocker - although not shocking to mums - found that around half of mothers said they'd seen their little ones lose items within just 20 minutes of getting them for the first time.

Being a mum can be a rather stressful job (Credit: Getty Images) ©Getty Images

Four in ten admit they've had to replace the same item repeatedly and 47 per cent of kids have even lost items belonging to their mother.

However, six in ten mums said losing items as a child helps them to appreciate the value of things later in life.

Of those polled, 64% said items initially lost and subsequently found did in fact have name labels on them.

Fiona added: "Parents will be spending a lot of money over the coming weeks buying school uniforms, bags, water bottles and stationery and we want to help make sure lost items can be returned more easily.

"Whether your child is starting school for the first time or you are an experienced 'school mum' it is worrying to read the value of items being lost by children.

"However, this research reassures parents that adding a name label to items increases the chance of lost belongings making their way home."

What do you think of this research? Do you think it does a child good to lose something? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.


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