A study of new mums and mums-to-be has found the most helpful pieces of advice for pregnant women.
The survey, commissioned by Pregnacare Vitamins, polled 1,400 mums on which pearls of wisdom they'd found the most useful whilst pregnant.
Unsurprisingly, the gem that made the top of the list was "sleep when the baby sleeps" - something we all know to be true!
WATCH: Mums reveal the best bits of advice they were given during pregnancy
The research found that 84% of mums found tips shared by family, friends and healthcare professionals to be helpful whilst they were pregnant, and half of the women surveyed turned to their own mums as their first port of call.
Well, there's no-one better equipped, is there!
On average, a pregnant woman will actively look for info from books, apps, websites and forums for 26 minutes every day.
That's a lot of swotting!
The 20 best bits of advice they were given when pregnant
The 20 best bits of advice they were given when pregnant

1) Sleep when the baby sleeps

2) Try to get into a routine

3) Enjoy your baby as time moves on so quickly

4) Do what feel right for you and your baby

5) Breast is best

6) Try not to compare your pregnancy to everyone else

7) It's OK to ask for help

8) Don't make a birth plan

9) Don't give them a dummy

10) Don't Google everything

11) Don't eat for two

12) Ban visitors in the first couple of days so you can have time with your new baby alone

13) Make sure you allow time for a nap

14) Don't worry about the housework after the birth

15) Accept all offers of help from family and friends

16) Don't rush to lose the baby weight

17) Speak to your midwife/health visitor/GP if you have any concerns

18) Fill the freezer with homemade meals before the baby arrives

19) Be prepared to feel overjoyed, terrified and overwhelmed all at once - you'll feel a flood of mixed emotions after the birth

20) Talk about how you're feeling/how you're coping (good or bad)
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