The UK government released a document yesterday outlining its new plan to stop the spread of Covid-19. It comes after mass confusion following Boris Johnson’s public address on Sunday evening when he announced the relaxing of certain lockdown measures.
One particular area of concern was that of schooling and childcare, with parents so worried about his statement that kids in year groups reception, one and six may be back in school from 1 June, that a petition immediately went viral urging parents to be given a choice on that matter.
There is also confusion around childcare. Nurseries have been open for the children of key workers and generally follow the same rules as schools: the new document contains no mention of nurseries re-opening for all, only explaining the government’s plan to reopen schools and noting that nannies and childminders are allowed to work as long as their workplace can meet public health guidelines outlined.
"The government is also amending its guidance to clarify that paid childcare, for example nannies and childminders, can take place subject to being able to meet the public health principles at Annex A, because these are roles where working from home is not possible. This should enable more working parents to return to work," the document reads.
Annex A however only outlines principles that people should follow to stay safe outside the home and does not include any information directly regarding how to look after children outside of your home – apart from one piece of advice on not giving face masks to children under two.
The guidelines are more general advice for anyone to stay safe outside the home, including keeping two meters away from others, keeping hands and faces as clean as possible, avoiding being face to face with others and reducing the number of people you spend time with in a work setting. They also state to wash clothes regularly, especially if working with people outside your home, and to keep indoor places well ventilated.
Check out: the best 'would you rather questions' for keeping kids entertained during lockdown
33 would you rather questions for kids

33 'would you rather' questions for kids

would you rather kids questions
Would you rather spend the day with Harry Potter or Captain Jack Sparrow?

car games
Would you rather fly with a fairy or ride a unicorn?

games for kids
Would you rather have a pig's snout or elephant ears?

kids games
Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?

would you rather
Would you rather eat only ice cream or chocolate for the rest of your life?

kids car games
Would you rather fly a plane or sail a boat?

The Little Mermaid (1989)
Based on Hans Christian Andersen's fairytale comes to vivid life with this musical spectacular that swam away with two Oscars. There's a reason it remains one of the most popular of Disney's animated

would you rather car game
Would you rather be a famous scientist or artist?

car games kids
Would you rather eat a worm or a cricket?

kids car games
Would you rather always be too cold or too hot?

Kids games
Would you rather have a HUGE trampoline or a MASSIVE swimming pool in the garden?

kids car game
Would you rather live in a zoo or an amusement park?

would you rather
Would you rather be covered head-to-toe hair or be completely bald?

kids games
Would you rather have your granny's name or hairstyle?

would you rather questions for kids
Would you rather be a squirrel in Hey Duggee or Squirrel Nukin in Peter Rabbit?

would you rather
Would you rather travel back in time or into the future?

kids car games
Would you rather be grounded for a whole week or wash the pots after dinner every night for a whole month?

Kids car games
Would you rather have a robot to play with or to do your chores for you?

would you rather questions
Would you rather be 9 feet tall or 3 feet tall?

kids games questions
Would you rather give up the internet for a month or your friends?

kids games
Would you rather only have one great friend for your whole life or loads of OK ones?

Would you rather win the lottery or get superpowers?

kids car questions
Would you rather only eat sweets for the rest of your life or never eat them again?

would you rather kids questions
Would you rather go to space or to the bottom of the ocean?

kids would you rather
Would you rather play in the snow or at the beach?

would you rather for kids
Would you rather find 1000 spiders in your bedroom or 100 snakes?

kids car games
Would you rather discover a living dinosaur or an alien from outer space?

would you rather game
Would you rather go without music or tv for the rest of your life?

would you rather kids
Would you rather have an extra leg or an extra arm?

would you rather
Would you rather have a fear of heights or a fear of the dark?

questions kids car games
Would you rather be Hermoine Granger or Bella from Twilight?

kids would you rather game
Would you rather own a light saber or a magic wand?

kids questions for car
Would you rathr cry after anyone speaks to you or laugh uncontrollably?
However, there are specific details about what an employer – i.e. the parent paying for private childcare - is responsible for when it comes to a childminders or nannies' safety.
Again, this advice seems more general, aimed towards larger businesses as opposed to a working parent, with conditions such as avoiding people being gathered together, staggering working times if you have to travel to work using public transport as well as improving facilities for parking or bicycle storage.
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"You should follow the advice given to you by your employer when at work," it reads.
"Employers have a duty to assess and manage risks to your safety in the workplace. The government has issued guidance to help them do this. This includes how to make adjustments to your workplace to help you maintain social distance."
Advising people to wear face coverings in enclosed spaces where social distancing isn’t possible and "you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet", the government states that this may protect others if you are infected by have not developed symptoms. Again, this advice is not specific to nannies or childminders.
However, if you are a childminder or nanny, it’s worth noting that the government advice states not to give face coverings to children under the age of two "or those who may find it difficult to manage them correctly, for example primary school age children unassisted, or those with respiratory conditions".
"It is important to use face coverings properly and wash your hands before putting them on and taking them off," the advice reads.
Click here and scroll to page 49 for the principles in full.