There are no guarantees as to what works when you're trying for a baby: sex positions and timings which work for one couple could be no good for someone else. However, it is indisputable that there ARE some better times of the month to have sex in order to get pregnant, and many people swear by certain sex positions to successfully conceive a child, although obviously it's tough to get absolute proof! This is what we do know.

When should we have sex if we're trying to conceive?
Getting pregnant is all about getting the sperm to the egg. Your partner's sperm can live for up to 72 hours, but your egg will only be around for 12 to 24 hours - so it’s crucial you time things correctly.
A good approach is to have regular sex throughout your cycle so you know that there should hopefully be good-quality sperm waiting for the time that the egg is released. An active sex life is all the majority of healthy people need to conceive.
You should also have sex one to two days before ovulation and again on the day you ovulate.
That way, there's more likely to be a healthy supply of sperm waiting in the fallopian tube when an egg is released.
How will I know when I’m ovulating?
Ovulation usually happens about 10 to 16 days before the start of your next period, so it helps to know your cycle length before you start trying to conceive.
If you aren’t sure how to calculate things, try this free ovulation calculator which should help to you keep track of where you are in your monthly cycle.
Alternatively you could also take your temperature, as we do know that your body warms up when you are ovulating. So if you monitor thsi every morning, you'll be able to see evidence of which day is the best day to have sex - you can buy special thermometers to help you with this.
Which sex positions will help me get pregnant?
As a general rule of thumb, sex positions that help to encourage deeper penetration are great to help the your man’s sperm travel towards your egg easily - it's all about giving the sperm their best shot at the egg!
This means that the best sex positions for getting pregnant involve deep penetration.
You all know the drill by now; lie on your back, with your man on top. This position ensures the penis reaches the recess at the front of the cervix, helping sperm to get to your egg faster.
Some experts suggest placing a pillow under your bum, to tilt your pelvis, adjust the angle, and make it even easier for his sperm to access the egg.
Somewhat surprisingly, the original ‘bad girl’ sex position is great for making babies; kneel on all fours (or bend over a table) and let him take you from behind for seriously deep penetration.
It’s great for reaching the g-spot, boosting your chances of an orgasm, and it will also help get his sperm to the recess at back of the cervix.
This is, without a doubt, one of the most pleasurable sex positions - and one of the best for making babies.
Have him slide behind you, push your bottom backward against his groin, and slip your top leg over your hip, drawing it slightly backward as you do so. The effect should be as if you’re spooning - albeit with a naughty twist.
This position is great for closeness, sure, but the pose also ensures that your partner’s sperm reaches your cervix as your pelvis is tilted at a 90 degree angle. Win.
This is a bit more adventurous, but it’s a LOT of fun - and great for conceiving a baby.
In this position, you need to lie on the edge of the table or bed. Have your man stand up, step in between your feet and raise your hips with his hands (you could add pillows for that added lift).
You then need to put your legs over his shoulders and slightly tilt your hips upwards as he penetrates you.
Expect a lot of vaginal stimulation and deep penetration - both big pros when you’re trying to get pregnant.
TOP SEX TIP FOR GETTING PREGNANT: Whichever sex position you choose, make sure that your partner ejaculates fully into your vagina, as this does increase the likelihood of conception.

Do I have to have an orgasm to conceive?
It's obviously very important that the man reaches orgasm if you are trying for a baby; sperm are pretty crucial when it comes to making a baby.
There is no evidence, however, that you need to orgasm to conceive; while gentle contractions in your uterus can help the sperm to the fallopian tubes and the egg, these will happen without you reaching climax.
However they will make the experience much more enjoyable - and they’ll help you to relax, something which is crucial for happy baby making.
Should I lie down after sex to get pregnant?
According to the experts, it’s good advice to lie down in bed for 10 to 15 minutes after sex, as it will help the sperm travel to the egg faster. Some women place a pillow under their hips, to raise them slightly, aimed at encouraging the sperm to enter the uterus.
Can I go to the toilet after sex if I’m trying to get pregnant?
You should avoid going to the bathroom for 10 to 15 minutes after sex, so that the sperm that is going to get into the cervix will be in the cervix.
How often should I have sex to get pregnant?
You don’t have to have sex every night when you’re ovulating; every other night around the time of ovulation helps increase your chance of getting pregnant; after all, sperm can survive for up to 72 hours after intercourse.
The best solution is to have regular sex when and when you’re not ovulating is the key to getting pregnant.

How many times will we need to have sex before we get pregnant?
According to a survey by First Response the average couple will have to have sex a total of 104 times before falling pregnant.
Dr. Mike Smith of First Response said: "Having sex 104 times before falling pregnant does sound rather a lot, but as they say practice makes perfect.
"Trying for a baby is a very exciting time for a couple and many try to have sex at every opportunity in order to get pregnant."
Which sex position will help me conceive a boy?
According to The Shettles Method, you should have doggy style sex if you’re trying for a baby boy. Why? Well, this position helps the sperm to avoid exposure to the more acidic vaginal environment, encouraging the faster Y-sperm do not waste their short lives waiting for the egg to be released.
Which sex position will help me conceive a girl?
According to The Shettles Method, you should opt for missionary sex if you’re trying to conceive a baby girl. Why? Well, apparently the sperm will pass through the woman's more acidic vaginal canal, aimed at favouring 'girl' sperm.
What can men do to help to conceive a baby?
The father should try to avoid excessive heat around the scrotum, as the optimum temperature for sperm production is a little lower than body temperature. Make sure they avoid tight-fitting clothes, stick to boxers and avoid hot tubs.
Can we just try and see what happens if we want to have a baby?
Not sure you can handle all of these conception rules? Try having sex at least two to three times a week consistently; it should do the trick - as long as neither you or your partner have fertility problems.
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