27 things every single mum knows to be true

Being a single mum can be tough - but it can be seriously awesome, too!


by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on
  1. You are SO bored of people asking “where’s your husband?”

It’s the 21st century, people - get with the times!

  1. You hate it when people say ‘I don’t know how you do it – you must be so strong!’

It’s meant to be nice, sure, but we genuinely don’t have a choice in the matter.

  1. And you REALLY hate it when people start judging you…

The stigma is real. Seriously, who do they think they are?

  1. Because, let’s face it, you’re Wonder Woman

You cook dinner, kiss their ouchies, read them their bedtime story, fix the sink, AND bring home the bacon.

Who run the world? Girls!

  1. You never get a lie-in

Who doesn’t love waking up to a toddler bouncing up and down on the bed at 4am, eh?

  1. You’re good cop AND bad cop

When you dish out the discipline during tantrums, your little ones aren’t all that happy about it. But then later, after they’ve calmed down, they’re forced to come to you for comfort afterwards.

  1. You have zero privacy

You can’t remember the last time you went to the toilet without SOMEONE bursting in to talk about what they want for dinner / what they want for Christmas / a bug they just saw fly past.

  1. You can NEVER take a sick day

How can you take a sick day when you’ve got little ones to look after, eh? Even if you DO manage to take a day off work, you’ll still be spending it making dinner, cleaning the house, chasing the kids into bed, and more

  1. You’ve learned to eat as quickly as possible

If you don’t eat when they’re distracted, you probable won’t have time to eat ever again!

  1. You find it VERY annoying when your single, non-mum friends moan about the dating scene

If they think it’s tough to find love, they should try doing it with kids; it’s almost impossible to muster up any enthusiasm for Match.com when you’ve spent all day doing the school and work routine.

  1. You’re a tad rusty in the partying department…

Your idea of a party nowadays is a few hours of uninterrupted time with your television - and maybe a pizza that you don’t have to share!

  1. Which means that you can get a little excited when someone offers to babysit…


  1. But that's rare - and you’re very tired, pretty much all of the time.

It’s safe to say that you’re well beyond the realms of exhaustion at this point.

  1. And, sometimes, you feel like losing it over those household chores.


  1. So you make sure that you take pleasure in the little things

A 10 minute shower on a Saturday night feels like a week long vacation to the Bahamas, no word of a lie.

  1. Although you sometimes - despite your best intentions - feel resentful towards the ‘part-time parent’

They swoop in on weekends and holidays, take the kids to the park and get to do all the fun stuff. And, yeah, sometimes you feel a little jealous of that - although you know it works vice versa.

  1. And it can be REALLY hard to smile and nod when your kids rave about their weekend with daddy

“Sounds wonderful.”

  1. So, yeah, you sometimes suffer crippling moments of self-doubt.

Everyone has those moments, don’t worry - just remember that you are doing AMAZINGLY.

  1. Yes, you sometimes feel lonely

You know your friends are busy, but it would be great to get a call every now and then so you could swap the baby talk for grown up gossiping!

  1. YES, the kids sometimes embarrass you more than life itself

Just… just why?

  1. And, yes, you’ve had to learn to budget - big time.

Why don’t grown ups get pocket money, eh?

  1. And, yeah, you can be a little over-protective sometimes…

… but it isn’t a bad thing. That’s just what happens when you’re completely responsible for someone!

  1. But you’re not just a mum - you’re their best friend, too.


  1. You break gender stereotypes every single day.

Strong, independent and powerful, you’re the ultimate female role model for your little ones.

  1. You’re tougher than anyone we know

You’re basically the Beyonce of the school run.

  1. And you wouldn’t change any of it for the world…

Being a mother, single or otherwise, is the best. Fact.

  1. Because, one day, your little one is going to tell you this:

Trust us on that one. And, until then, just know that you’re awesome.

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