Ingrown toenails; they’re a painful, but very real, part of our everyday lives.
But now there’s a device out there which claims to "manually straighten your painful ingrowing nails in around 30 minutes of self-treatment”.
Yup, the Japanese Makizume Robo Ingrown Toenail Fixer (it just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?) is a stylish little gadget - but all that pretty gold metal can’t distract from the two prongs and screw mechanism.
It looks like a tiny, but oh-so-chic, instrument of torture.
And the accompanying video? Well, the video doesn’t do all that much to alleviate our fears, to be honest.
Check it out - although, fair warning, once seen tit can NEVER be unseen!
Oh god. Oh god, oh god, oh god - can eyes be scrubbed clean?
Okay, from what we can gather, you have to:
Firstly, hook the prongs to the undersides of your pesky ingrown toenail.
Next, tighten the screw mechanism to keep things in place.
Thirdly, soak your foot in warm water for around 20 minutes to soften the nail.
Remove your foot from the water, tighten the device some more, and dry things off with a hairdryer.
Finally, use the prongs to CRANK THAT TOENAIL UP AND OUT OF YOUR SKIN.
It's worth pointing out that this self-help ingrown toenail treatment is NOT cheap.
Would you be prepared to fork out an eye-watering £201 for it?
Let us know via Facebook or Twitter (@CloserOnline) now.