Research has found out what most Brits regret spending their money on by the time they get to the end of the month
Millions of Brits feel they are ‘living beyond their means’, a study has found.
Researchers discovered a large percentage of the nation fall back on credit cards and overdrafts when wages fail to last until the end of the month.
Of the 2,000 Brits surveyed, 43% have a credit card to deal with excess spending, 10% have an overdraft and 20% have both as provisions for when times get tough.
Credit card holders who took part in the research admitted racking up around £269.17 per month on their card in an attempt to get by.
GALLERY: The top 30 life experiences that Brits wish they could tick off their bucket lists
The top 30 life experiences that Brits wish they could tick off their bucket lists (slider)


bucket list
30 - Go glamping29 - Get a dog28 - Go sky diving27 - Learn to dance26 - Try bungee jumping

bucket list
25 - Live in another country24 - Go to a casino in Las Vegas23 - Get a tattoo22 - Write a novel21 - Quit your job

bucket list
20 - Change your career19 - Learn to fly a plane18 - Apply to be an extra in a movie or television show17 - Research your family tree16 - Eat in a Michelin starred restaurant

bucket list
15 - Get married14 - Run a marathon13 - Learn a language12 - Move house11 - Drive a rally car

bucket list
10 - Ski9 - Ride in a helicopter8 - Go on a cruise7 - Learn to play a musical instrument6 - Drive Route 66

bucket list
5 - Travel on the Orient Express4 - Swim with dolphins3 - Fly First Class2 - Visit the seven wonders of the world1 - See the Northern Lights
The top regrettable purchase for Brits trying to make their cash go further is clothes, which one in four splurges on when their wages land in their account.
Fast food, meals out and nights on the town with friends are among the things we regret blowing money on from time to time.
The average Brit spends £101 a month on non-essential products and services they could potentially put into their savings.
To view the findings of the study in full, click here.
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What do you make of these findings? Do you think your most regrettable purchase by the end of the month is new clothes? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.
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