Slim Fast will provide four lucky women with four weeks of delicious meal replacement products – enough to do the Slim Fast 3.2.1 diet. That’s two meal replacement shakes or bars and two snacks per day.
Kick off 2015 on the path to a brand new, sleeker you with the quick and easy Slim.Fast 3.2.1 plan, perfect for those with busy lives.
You will follow a 1,400 calorie-a-day diet with 2 meals provided. No more rushed breakfasts or naughty office treats, the first four weeks of your new year will be stress free, time friendly and money saving!
The plan, which is scientifically proven to work and endorsed by nutritionists, is structured and calorie counted, helping you keep to the diet and avoid over-eating. And it lets you eat six times a day!It consists of three snacks a day, two Slim.Fast shakes or meal bars and one 600-calorie meal.

You will need to be available for photoshoots on the 9th December, as well as in early February for your ‘big reveal’ full page mag spread.
This will take place in London, and you will be styled, primped and preened like a celeb!
To qualify, you must live in the UK, be at least a size 14, available for the above photoshoots, and able to travel to London (travel costs covered).
Fill out my online form.
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