Ditch dining out for dinner parties
You may be cutting back but there’s no need to ditch socialising all together – January is depressing enough! Why not invite your friends round and ask them to bring a dish and a bottle each for a tapas-style get together without the hassle and expense.

Sell unwanted items online
Raise some cash AND have a new year spring clean by going through your attic/wardrobe, sorting out anything you can sell and anything that needs throwing away – you’ll be surprised at how much you could make from those shoes you’ve never worn or those old records. Ditch any clothes you haven’t worn in the last year – you’re unlikely to wear them again and you’ll feel so much better with less clutter!
Need a haircut or manicure? The internet is your savour
Before heading to your usual salon, check online as you can always find great discount codes and offers for a number of salons and spas around the country so you can get your hair cut at a snip of the usual price or treat yourself to a manicure for the price of lunch. Even better, why not download a voucher code app so that you can keep abreast of all the best deals near you on a daily basis?

Make your lunch
It’s a really easy change to make and there’s lots of quick and easy recipes you can follow to ensure you’re taking a tasty, nutritious meal to work every day. If you don’t have time in the evening to make something for lunch as well as cooking dinner, then get into the habit of making extra dinner. Stews, chilli’s and pasta dishes are all really easy to take in and heat up the next day, and have the added benefit of being healthy and warming – perfect comfort food as the weather turns colder this week
Check your direct debits and standing orders
Make sure you know what’s due to come out of your account this week and that you have the money to cover it. There’s nothing worse than thinking you have enough money to see you through to payday and then watching it disappear to cover the gym membership or phone bill that you forgot was due. Being prepared will also mean you don’t run the risk of incurring overdraft fees.
Keep warm for less
As temperatures are predicted to fall as low as -15 degrees this week, there are other ways to keep warm without breaking the bank with your heating bill. Layer up your clothes – don’t complain of being cold when you’re only wearing a t-shirt! Leave the door of the oven open when you’ve finished cooking and let the heat make its way into the house! Eating warming winter stews and soups can also help you stay warm into the evening. If all else fails, head to your local pub and enjoy an open fire – saving money doesn’t have to be miserable.

Keep to your good spending habits!
Payday is just around the corner but don’t use it as an excuse to go out and splurge, if you can stick to the good spending habits you started in January, you’ll find yourself on a better financial path for the rest of the year meaning next January won’t be as tough. Why not set up a budget to help you plan your regular outgoings and keep on track of your finances for the rest of the year? It doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, just be smart about how you spend your money!