Happiest – and unhappiest – names in Britain revealed: Is yours on the list?

Did you know that your NAME can determine how happy you are? Read on to find out if yours is one of the happiest - or unhappiest - in the UK...

Happiest - and unhappiest - names in Britain revealed: Is yours on the list?

by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet - but would it be as happy?

Apparently not, according to experts.

Psychologist Dr David Holmes, of Manchester Metropolitan University, has revealed that people’s personalities CAN adapt to fit the name they are given.

Apparently names are similar to brand names in that people associate certain characteristics with them.

For example, many people assume that most Paulines are miserable - based on sourpuss Pauline Fowler of EastEnders!

Pauline Fowler on EastEnders

Dr Holmes explained to the BBC: “We know from our research that names can influence student marks so it follows that they also affect how we treat those so named.

“The associations we have with certain names, particularly significant namesakes, also shapes how we see ourselves and so may have an effect on our confidence and assumed role in society.

“Names are like product brands in having a powerful effect on attitudes and should therefore be chosen with care.”

But will your name make you happy - or unhappy?

Time to find out, once and for all…

The happiest women’s names in the UK

  1. Judy

  2. Stephanie

  3. Linda

  4. Pam

  5. Pat

  6. Fiona

  7. Paula

  8. Susan

  9. Isobel

  10. Vicky

The happiest men’s names in the UK

  1. Joshua

  2. Matthew

  3. Jason

  4. Terry

  5. Barry

  6. Stan

  7. Ian

  8. Craig

  9. Nigel

  10. Christopher

The unhappiest women’s names in the UK

  1. Lynn

  2. Charlotte

  3. Tina

  4. Amy

  5. Tara

  6. Sam

  7. Alex

  8. Tanya

  9. Jessica

  10. Olivia

The unhappiest men’s names in the UK

  1. Ben

  2. Andrew

  3. Edward

  4. Tim

  5. Owen

  6. Bob

  7. Dennis

  8. Ray

  9. Alfie

  10. Jeremy


What do you think of these findings - do you agree?


Let us know via the comments box below now.

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