Home|Family|MoneyHalloween Recipe ideas from spooky spirits to creepy cakesWhether it's savoury snacks, healthy treats or cakes and cocktails you're serving at your halloween party this year, find some inspiration in our round-up of the best themed recipes...by Abi Hooper | Published on30th October 2013 at 1.15pmGalleryHalloween Recipe ideas from spooky spirits to creepy cakes1 of 14MarthaSpiderweb2 of 14PumpkinMuffins3 of 14Marthatarts4 of 14WitchesFingers25 of 14Eyeballs26 of 14Change4LifeMummies7 of 14Change4LifeSpider8 of 14Change4LIfeMeatballs9 of 14Eyeballs10 of 14MelonBrain11 of 14GreenSlimeLemonade12 of 14MarthaCocktails13 of 14WhoopiePies14 of 14MarthaBogBallsJust so you know, we may receive a commission or other compensation from the links on this website - read why you should trust us