With that in mind we’ve put together five Great British traditions that will save you enough cash to help you through the autumn months.
Make do and Mend
Started as a response to WWII rationing, the ideals of ‘Make do and Mend’ are all about reducing waste and re-purposing unwanted clutter.
So whether you’re considering a Kirsty Allsop style upcycling project or a spot of craft blogger inspired decoupaging you’ll breathe a new lease of life into this tradition.
The Sunday Roast
From hot on Sunday, cold on Monday to hashed on Tuesday and curried on Wednesday, savvy cooks can stretch the leftovers of an enormous roast across a few days of the week and pocket the savings to boot.
Car Booting
For those brave enough to face the cold and the elements, the Great British car boot is an amazing way save and make a little money. New details released by Zuto.com suggests that Brit’s can make a whopping £100 per boot sale!
Wrap Up Warm
As cold starts to creep in, wearing an extra layer or two has long been a traditional way to keep the bills low.
That said, there is no need to walk around the house in oversized hoodies, why not head out to a Vintage Kilo Sale? You’ll be able to get a couple on trend knits for £15!
If all other attempts to save money end in defeat, channel your frustrations with a good old fashion moan! Research has shown that credit card companies, airlines and supermarkets give into some six out of ten complaints. Well worth noting if you’re strapped for cash.