What was your last splurge buy?
A car. BMW Z4.
What’s your biggest regret buy?
The car. The BMW Z4.
Other than the car and your home, what is the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
I’m in the process of going through a US Green Card application and that isn’t cheap, I can tell you that.
How are you normally with managing your money?
I’m pretty good actually. I’ve learned a lot. There’s no point in keeping it all and not spending it because then your life is miserable. Spending it is important and you have to spend it with a positive attitude.
I think it’s very important when you pay bills and that you buy things; that you do it with a smile on your face, even if it’s something that you don’t want to pay for because a positive attitude about spending money will come back to you as positivity.
What’s your biggest weakness when it comes to spending?
My biggest weakness is probably food and wine, which I will spend a lot of money on. Because, again, for me it’s about enjoyment and sometimes spending loads of money on food can give you a great experience and I think that it’s worth doing. I try and feel positive and happy when I’m spending it, and just enjoy what you’re getting out of it.