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You’re not alone: The most accurate quotes about depression ever written
Almost 10% of people suffer with depression at some point in their lives, and the result can range from not being able to get out of bed some mornings to feeling positively suicidal. With the topic being the subject of literally hundreds of novels, poems and plays the world over. These quotes cut straight to the heart of this terrible illness - showing that however bad things might seem, you are not alone.
1 of 10 Atwood
2 of 10 JKRowling
3 of 10 Prozacnation
4 of 10 Bukowski
5 of 10 revroad
6 of 10 wakeup
7 of 10 sadnesslemony
8 of 10 silverliningsjpg
9 of 10 HenryJames
10 of 10 Screen Shot 2015-08-25 at 16.52.48