Here are 6 excellent reasons to be excited for February

Was it just us, or did that January just drag? What with post X-mas blues, the most depressing Monday of the year, and awful, AWFUL weather, it was easy to get dragged down in the first month of 2014. But here are 10 reasons why February is going to be just brilliant.


by Ellie Hooper |
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Valentine’s Day

Ok we know it’s cheesy and made up and all that. But even if you don’t want to buy into all the card company, giant teddy bear rubbish, it’s a good opportunity to show those people you care about that you love them – and there’s nout wrong with that! If you seriously can’t handle the corniness, why not invite some pals over for an anti-valentines night in.

Show someone you care this February 14th
Show someone you care this February 14th

Tis the month to book a holiday

Whilst budgets are still tight after Christmas, February is apparently the most popular time for Briton’s to book their trip away, whether you’re staying in the UK or jetting abroad. And with sites like lowcostholidays offering early bird deals – you’d be a fool to miss out!

Feb is prime time to book a holiday abroad

It’s cold yes, but it’ll help you save

Who can watch their pennies when it’s blazing hot outside and all you want to do is drink wine in the garden every evening? It’s MUCH easier to say no to dangerous, expensive ideas like going out when it’s cold and wet. Why would you do that when you can stay in side snuggled up on the sofa?

Snow is not off the agenda

Do you remember when, back in December, the weather people said we’d have 100 days of snow? Low and behold two months later there is NO sign of said snow. But, the good thing about it being so cold is, it could still happen.

Winter food beats summer food hands down

Food, glorious food!

Did you know that in Old English, February was called ‘Kalemonath’ which literally means ‘cabbage month.’ Sounds bleak right? Luckily for us 21st century dwellers, there are plenty more options on the menu – such as roast veg, delicious stews and warming pies.

You can still detox

Did you start 2014 with every intention of joining the gym, quitting sugar and becoming lean and green? Fear not, many of us fall at the first hurdle, but we’re still early enough in the year for you to get fighting fit in time for summer. If you’re looking to change your diet, why not have a look at

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