Build a den
Climb a tree
Roll down a really big hill
Camp out in the wild

Skim a stone
Run around in the rain
Fly a kite
Catch a fish with a net
Eat an apple straight from a tree
Play conkers
Go on a really long bike ride

Make a trail with sticks
Create some wild art
Dam a stream
Play in the snow
Make a daisy chain
Set up a snail race
Make a mud pie

Play pooh sticks
Jump over waves
Pick blackberries growing in the wild
Explore inside a tree

Visit a farm
Go on a walk barefoot
Make a grass trumpet
Hunt for fossils and bones
Go star gazing
Climb a huge hill
Discover what's in a pond

Hold a scary beast
Hunt for bugs
Explore a cave
Bring up a butterfly

Track wild animals
Find some frogspawn
Make a home for an animal
Check out the crazy creatures in a rockpool
Catch a falling leaf
Catch a crab
Go on a nature walk at night

Plant it, grow it, eat it
Go swimming in the sea
Build a raft
Go bird watching
Find your way with a map and compass

Try rock climbing
Cook on a campfire
Learn to ride a horse
Find a geocache
Canoe down a river
Find out more about the National Trust's new scheme - and win some badges for your child - over on their official website.