Becoming a parent for the first-time is always wonderful, but it can also be nerve-wracking - particularly when it comes to the health and safety of your little one.
While you can always call 999 in an emergency, or your doctor, every parent should know what to do if their little one starts choking; those first few minutes are always crucial.
Thankfully, the people at St. John Ambulance managed to break it down into easy steps even the most sleep-deprived parent can remember.
Check it out:
If your baby is choking, the steps to follow are:
Lay them face down on your thigh
Give them up to five back blows
If that doesn’t work, turn them over so that they are facing you
Give them up to five chest thrusts until the airway is clear
If that doesn’t work, then call an ambulance
This information could prove absolutely crucial in a desperate situation, so please do share with friends and family.
It could just save a life.
Get more information on first aid for parents at the St John’s Ambulance website now.